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学校代码:11910 考生准考证号: 广东外语外贸大学 高级翻译学院 攻读硕士学位研究生入学复试笔试试卷(样题) 考试专业: 翻 译 学 专业方向: 考试科目: 翻译理论与实践 考生姓名: 考生成绩: 试卷评阅人: 复试考生须知 本试卷共 4 页(含本页),本试卷分 3 大题。 答案必须写在本试卷上。书写必须工整、清晰。请用钢笔答题。 考生必须把专业方向和姓名填写在本试卷封面相应的地方。 考试时间为二小时。试卷满分为 100 分。 考试结束时本试卷必须交回监考老师处。 *考试时不得使用任何工具书、参考书及任何其他种类的辅助工具和文献资料。 I. Cloze Directions: The following is a passage with numbered gaps. Choose from the list below an appropriate word to fill in each gap, making CHANGES in form where necessary. Each word given in the list can be used only ONCE and not all of them will be used. (30%) require sweep have provided if react develop culture feel even poor principal contain do wide locally abroad prevalent that distinct advances longer from own canned however bring commit to psychologically in what much It has been said that ‘we are _____1___ we eat’, and from a physiological point of view it is the food we eat that builds our bodies and influences our general health and disposition. One of the saddest features of the modern world is that millions of people round the globe do not have enough to eat and many more do not have the right kinds of food ___2____ for good health. We are constantly faced with the stark contrast between nations in the developed countries who have more food than they need, and the millions in many ____3_____ countries who are hungry and often starving. In order to be healthy, man needs a balanced diet ____4____ protein, fat, carbohydrate(碳水化合物), vitamins and minerals. The carbohydrate in bread, rice, potatoes and sugary foods provide energy for the body. Too much carbohydrate, however, results ____5____ obesity(肥胖症)which can endanger health. The fats and oils in milk, cream, butter, cheese and fat meat provide the body's main stored food and c


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