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830 2009 11 30 24 11 D isease Surveillance, Nov. 30, 2009, Vol. 24, N o. 11 性病艾滋病专题 1998- 2007年中国梅毒流行病学特征分析 张伟东, 姚建义 : , 1998- 2007 1998 38 436 , 3. 07/ 10, 7. 25/10, , , 2007 217 473, 15. 88/ 10, 1998 5. 17, 2007 4, 3 , , : ; ; : R759. 1 : A : 1003- 9961( 2009) 11- 0830- 02 Ep id em iological characteristics of syph ilis in Ch ina, 1998- 2007 ZHANG Weidong, YAO Jianyi. O ffice for D isease C ontrol and Em ergency Response, Ch inese C en ter for D isease Control and Prevention, Beijing 100050, Ch ina Corr esp ond ing au thor: ZHANG Weidong, Em ai:l cnm oh07@ yahoo. cn Abstrac t: Ob ec tive To analyze the ep idem iological characteristics of syph ilis in C hina from 1998 to 2007 and learn a out the ep idem iolog ical trend of syph ilis in d ifferent regions. M ethod s Retrospective analysisw as perform ed ased on the epidem io logical data of syphilis from 1998 to 2007. Resu lts A total of 38 436 syph ilis casesw ere reported in 1998 w ith the incidence rate of 3. 07/ lakh. The average annual incidence rate w as 7. 25/ lakh. The incidence rate increased year y year, w h ich ecam e faster in recent years. A total of 217 473 syph ilis casesw ere reported in 2007 w ith the incidence rate of 15. 88/ lakh, w hich w as 5. 17 fo lds m ore than that in 1998 and at the fourth am ong the class A and B notif ia le infectious diseases in Ch ina, the f irst three provincial areas w ith higher incidence rate w ere Shanghai, Zhejiang and G uangxi. Con clusion The incidence of syphilis and other STD s is h igh in C hina, especially in som e developed provinces and northw est and southw est prov inces ordering w ith other countries. Com prehensive control and preven tion m easures


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