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第 34卷 第 11期 Vo.l 34 No. 11 2006年 11月 East China Electric Power Nov. 2006 电网设备资产的全生命周期管理 , (, 200002) : , , , , , , : ; ; : ( 1979 ), , , , : TM619 : B : 1001 9529( 2006) 11 0066 03 L ife cyc le m anagem ent for grid equipm ent assets SH I Q i, ZH U Feng ( East Ch inaG rid Com pany Ltd. , Shanghai200002, China) A bstrac t: A s a typ ical assets intensive enterprise, the gird com pany considers the mi provement of equ ipm ent opera tion level and extension of assets life cycle as mi portant approaches to reduce costs and mi prove its core com petence. Through assets life cycle m anagem ent, E ast Ch ina Grid Com pany Ltd. constructed the integrated enterprise level in form ation system emphasizing on assetsm anagem ent to help realize the Com panycs targets of finem anagem ent, group operation, and intensive developm ent. K ey w ord s: grid equ ipm ent; assets; life cycle (/ 0 ) 1 ( ) , [ 1] , , , , , , 2006 7 31, , 1 kW, PJM , 2 , , , , , , , , 2005, / 0 , , , , , , , , 电网设备资产的全生命周期管理 67(


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