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1 The more we get together, the __________高兴we’ll be. 1、---- Could you tell me how to get to Nanjing Museum ? ---- Let me show you on this (地图) 2005.南京 map 2、My little daughter has collected more than (四十) stamps from different countries . 2005. 山东日照 forty 3、--- How many students are there in your school ? --- Seven hundred and (八十). 2005.江苏南通 4、Would you like to go (钓鱼) with me ? 2005. 浙江温州 5、The boy on the new (自行车) is Sally’s brother . 2005. 浙江温州 eighty fishing bicycle 6、John never goes to school (迟) . 2005. 浙江温州 10、--- Tony , what’s fifty and forty ? --- It’s . 2005.山东济南 7、We should plant a lot of trees to make our city beautiful . The m trees , the better . 2005. 山东威海 9、--- When you (leave) for Beijing ? --- The day after tomorrow . 2005. 山东济南 8、The railway station is very (远) from here . You need to take a bus . 2005.浙江衢州 late more far are leaving ninety Unit 5 Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? 周六下午你能来参加我的派对吗? Sure, I’d love to. / Sorry, I can’t. 可以。 / 对不起,不能。 2. 为考试而作准备 3. 去看病 4. 上钢琴课 5. 有太多的家庭作业 6. 下一次 另外一次 7. 去听音乐会 8. 去商场购物 study for a test go to the doctor have a piano lesson have too much homework =another time go to the concert go to the mall 太多… too much +不可数名词 too many +可数名词 next time 9. 在日历上 10. 后天 11. 今天是几号,星期几? 12. 今天是14号,星期一。 13. 多谢你的邀请。 14. 忙于做某事 15. 今天晚上 16. 进行网球训练 17. 下个假期 18. 保持安静 on the calendar the day after tomorrow What’s today? It’s Wednesday the 14th. Thank you for your/the invitation. =Thanks (a lot) for asking/inviting me. be busy with sth =be busy doing sth this evening = tonight have tennis training next vacation keep quiet 19. 在电视上 20. 足球比赛 21. 整天 22. 顺便来… 23. 有空,空闲 24. 确信 25. 与某人讨论某事 be sure discuss sth with sb =talk about the


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