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城市工业建筑遗产保护性再利用的模式探讨 李兵营 (青岛理工大学建筑学院 , 青岛 266033) 摘  要 :改革开放 30 年 ,中国城市发展迅速 ,城市产业结构升级调整带来城市中心城区功能结构的重组 , 城市旧工业区进入改造 、整合阶段 ,工业遗产何去何从引发广泛关注 ,工业遗产属于文化遗产范畴 ,是物化了 的人类工业文化 。按照文化遗产的分类 ,工业遗产包括可移动的工业文物 、不可移动的工业建筑群和工业遗 址 、非物质工业文化等 。就城市改造 、更新过程中工业建筑遗产的价值 、保护性再利用的模式进行探讨 。 关键词 :工业建筑遗产 ; 保护 ; 再利用 THE INVESTIGATION ON PROTECTIVE REUSE MOD E OF URBAN - IND USTRY ARCHITECTURAL HERITA GE Li Bingying (College of Archit ect ure , Qingdao Technolo gical U niver sit y , Qingdao 266033 ,China) Abstract :Cities in China grow rapidly during t he p eriod of 30 year s of reform and op ening - up , Up grading adj u st ment s of urban indu st rial st ruct ure brings recombination of functional configuration in t he cent ral p art of a cit y Old urban indu st rial region s get into t he st age of reformation and int egration How to deal wit h indu st rial inherit ance cau ses ext en sive concern s Indu st rial inherit ance , which i s in t he cat egory of cult ural herit age , i s mat erialized indu st rial civilization Accor ding to t he classification of cult ural herit age , indu st rial inherit ance comp ri ses t ran sport able indu st rial relics , unt ran sport able indu st rial archit ect ure and ancient ruin s , and immat erial indu st rial cult ure , etc Thi s essay will focu s on t he value of indu st rial archit ect ural herit age in t he p rocess of urban reform and renewal , and t he mode of p rot ective reu se Keywords :indu st rial archit ect ural herit age ; p rot ection ; reu se ( )


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