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2008, 24 ( 2): 17- 21 Journal of Ecology and RuralEnviron ent 1 2 1 2 叶 茂, 徐海量, 楚新正, 乔 木 ( 1. , 830054; 2. , 830011) : , - 1 : , 64. 0 a ; , , 2003 45. 9, , 2006 64. 5% ; , 129. 2% , , : ; ; ; : F0622; X 171. 4; F323. 22 : A : 1673- 4831( 2008) 02- 00 17- 05 Impact of Construction of a ForestryEcological Sci-Tech Demonstration Zone of theYiliRiver Basin on Ecolog-i 1 2 1 2 calServiceValueYE Mao, X UH ai-liang , CH UX in-zheng , QIAO M u ( 1. Geography S ien e and T ourism College, X injiang Norm alUn iversity, U rum qi 830054, China; 2. X injiang Institu te of E ology and Geography, Ch inese A adem y of S ien es, Urum qi 8300 11, Ch ina ) bstract: The e ologi al servi es valuation method is adopted to al u late variation of the e olog i al servi es value of the forestry in the Y iliR iver basin before and after it w as bu ilt into a forestry e ologi al s -i te h dem onstration zone. Resu lts 4 - 1 4 show that the e ologi al servi es valuew as 64. 0 10 yuan a before grass land degradation, and dropped to 45. 9 10 yuan a- 1 in 2003 ow ing to over-loading and over-grazing in the past de ades. H ow ever, after the establishm ent of the dem onstration zone, it soared up in 2006, being 64. 5% over that before the grassland w as degraded, and 129. 2 % over that in 2003. The in rem en tw as m ainly attributed to mi proved ind ire t e ologi al servi es value. Obviously the onstru - tion of the dem onstration zone has greatly raised the e ologi al servi es value of the Y iliR iver bas in, and its e ologi al e- onom i benefits are sign ifi ant.


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