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同等学历申请硕士学位 英语考试题型 2005年 新大纲 I. 口语交际 10%10题 (1题1分)10 分钟 1). A 节: 根据上下文情景和交际习惯作判断 2). B节. 根据对题意的理解预测答案 II. 词汇 10%20题 (1题半分)15分钟 1995—1996 全部填空选择 1997— 10个对照选择; 10个填空选择 2003 (各15 题) 2004 (各10 题) III. 阅读理解25%25题 (1题1分)45分钟 阅读理解 25% 5篇短文 25题 每篇短文约300—400词, 附5道选择题. 5 ╳ 5 = 25 每篇短文约300—400词, 附5道选择题., 给予的时间是9分钟. 阅读速度: 每分钟100—120个词. IV. 综合填空 15%15题 (1题1分)15分钟 V. 辨别错误 5%10题 (1题半分)15分钟 VI. 翻译 20%英译汉10%汉译英10%30分钟V. 写作15%30分钟 I. 口语交际 10% 10题 (1题1分) 应试技巧 1). A 节: 根据上下文情景和交际习惯作判断 M: What’s up? W: . A. Fine, thanks. B. Ok, many thanks. C. Nothing. M: Good morning. I’d like to speak to Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith: . A. Yes, I am. B. I am Smith. C. Speaking 2). B节. 根据对题意的理解预测答案 Numbers and Digitals (1 )注意数字题的运算方法 W: The flight for Paris left 15 minutes ago. M: That’s right. It’s already 12:05. Q: When did the plane leave? A. 12:05 B. 11:50C. C. 11:35 D. 10:25 Key: B. W: Shall we have a game of tennis? W: We need someone to make up a four if we’re going to play doubles. Q: How many persons are there now? A. Five B. Four C. Three D. Two Key: C (2) 注意概括对话内容 (What are they talking about?) M: What kind of dress are you looking for? W: Since it’s rather warm at this time of the year, I want something light weight. What do you think would be the best? Q: What are they talking about? A. Things to wear B. The warm weather C. Best material for making clothes D. A bright shirt Key: A (3) 注意间接反映的事实 M: The room is filled with smoke. I can hardly breathe. W: I agree. Smoking should not be permitted in this room at all. Q: What can be concluded from this conversation? A. The room is on fire. B. They are bothered by the smoke. C. There is very little breeze. D. Smoking is not permitted in the room. Key: B (4) 注意言外之意 M: I think we should replace the old typewriter. W: Why not the typist? Q: What does the woman mean? A. She agrees with the man. B. They should ask the typist about it. C. The typist is very good. D. The typist


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