【英语论文】广告汉译英翻译策略研究A Tentative Study of Translation Strategies from Chinese into English on Advertisement.doc

【英语论文】广告汉译英翻译策略研究A Tentative Study of Translation Strategies from Chinese into English on Advertisement.doc

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【英语论文】广告汉译英翻译策略研究A Tentative Study of Translation Strategies from Chinese into English on Advertisement.doc

广告翻译策略A Tentative Study of Translation Strategies from Chinese into English on Advertisement 论文摘要 广告在经济生活中扮演着一个举足轻重的角色,它随处可见,已经成为我们日常生活中的一部分。一方面,广告能够促进销售,通过广告,企业或公司把产品的功能、特性和用途等信息传递给消费者,引起消费者的注意和兴趣,促进购买。广告宣传也会影响或改变消费者对某一产品的潜在需求,使其变为现实的购买力,从而扩大产品销售。另一方面,商家通过广告来宣传产品的特性和企业的文化,即宣传了自家的产品,又能提升企业和公司的知名度。因此,广告发挥着越来越大的作用。众所周知,它是最大、最快、最广泛的信息传播媒介形式之一 。随着全球经济的发展,国与国之间的交流日趋频繁,广告翻译语言会越来越重要。 本论文旨在通过中英文广告翻译实例来讨论广告英语翻译的语言特点,通过综述前人关于广告翻译中常用到的翻译原则和策略,并结合本研究选取的语料进行分析与讨论。通过这些分析与讨论,使我们了解到广告英语的特点和翻译方法。 本论文所使用丰富的事例来说明广告英语的语言特点,并借此来介绍各种常用的翻译方法。这些语料主要来自各类广告,语料的类型为词语或创新的合成词。本文以功能对等理论为指导,对语料进行分析,归纳出相应的五种翻译策略和方法:1)直译2)意译3)创译4)增译5)减译法。讨论与分析的结果是针对不同的广告,上述这些方法可单独运用,也可以相结合的进行翻译。 通过对比中英语言的差异和分析与讨论广告英语翻译中的翻译策略和方法后,我们在进行广告英语翻译时,应准确理解原广告,并对其进行分析,关键在于选择适当的翻译策略、运用准确的翻译和修辞方法,去更好的体现原广告的内涵,并更加贴切、准确、生动的完成一则广告的翻译。 关键词: 广告 广告特点 翻译方法 翻译策略 Abstract Advertising plays an important role in economic world. It can be seen everywhere, and it has become a part of our life. On the one hand, it is true that advertisement can promote sales. The characteristics、function and use of product will be delivered to customers through advertising publicizing which will attract customers’ attention and their interesting, so that to promote sales of products. It also affects and changes the potential demand of customers, which will make consumers to arouse their desire to increase the purchasing power, and to expend product sales. On the other hand, sellers publicize figures of product and corporate culture by advertising, which both publicize product of their own and also promote reputation of companies. So, advertising is playing an increasingly important role. Everybody knows that advertising is one of the biggest、fastest and most extensive information media. With the global economic development and more frequent exchanges between countries, translation on advertising language has become more and more important. This paper attempts to have a study of translation strategies on advertisement based on the characteristics of Eng


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