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Compromise: Ka=40 Be aware of key test signals used in controls and of the resulting transient response characteristics of second-order systems to test signal inputs. Recognize the direct relationship between the pole locations of second-order systems and the transient response. Be familiar with the design formulas that relate the second-order pole locations to percent overshoot, settling time, rise time, and time to peak. Be aware of the impact of a zero and a third pole on the second-order system response. Gain a sense of optimal control as measured with performance indices. Assignments Skills Check E5.4 E5.8 E5.9 E5.18 * 为了分析和设计控制系统,首先应该明确定义系统的性能度量方式及定量的性能指标 * 在计算卷积时,脉冲输入格外有用。考虑图所示开环系统 * * Notice: the above results is only for a transfer function without finite zeros. Simulation results for ζ=0.45 When the transfer function has a zero, For the given system, select the gain K and the parameter p so that the time-domain specifications will be satisfied. P.O.≤5% Ts ≤4s ζ=0.707, P.O.=4.3% Ts=4/ζωn≤4, ζωn≥1 Chose r12=-1±j, then P.O.=4.3% Ts=4s ζ=0.707, ωn=1/ζ=1.414 If a ζωn and τ 1/ζωn, the pole and zero will have little effect on the step response. P.O.=55% according to Fig 5.13(a) Ts=4/3=1.33s Using a computer simulation for the actual third-order system, we find that the percent overshoot is equal to 38% and the settling time is 1.6 seconds. Thus, the effect of the third pole of T(s) is to dampen the overshoot and increase the settling time (hence the real pole cannot be neglected). According to the percent overshoot P.O. According to the number of cycles of the damped sinusoid during Ts The frequency of the damped sinusoidal term for ζ 1 is The number of cycles in 1 second is ω/2π. The time constant for the exponential decay is τ = l/ζωn in seconds. The number of cycles of the damped sinusoid during one time constant is Assuming that the response decays in n visible time constants. For the second-order system, the response remains within


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