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第一章、TCP/IP协议 OSI模型与TCP/IP协议栈 网络组成与报文的变换 UDP与TCP协议 Linux编程环境 TCP/IP协议栈 OSI参考模型 The Physical Layer Responsibility: transmission of raw bits over a communication channel. Issues: mechanical and electrical interfaces time per bit distances The Data Link Layer - Data Link Control Responsibility: provide an error-free communication link Issues: framing (dividing data into chunks) header trailer bits addressing The Network Layer Responsibilities: path selection between end-systems (routing). subnet flow control. fragmentation reassembly translation between different network types. Issues: packet headers virtual circuits The Transport Layer Responsibilities: provides virtual end-to-end links between peer processes. end-to-end flow control Issues: headers error detection reliable communication The Session Layer Responsibilities: establishes, manages, and terminates sessions between applications. service location lookup Many protocol suites do not include a session layer. The Presentation Layer Responsibilities: data encryption data compression data conversion Many protocol suites do not include a Presentation Layer. The Application Layer Responsibilities: anything not provided by any of the other layers Issues: application level protocols appropriate selection of “type of service” Layering Headers Each layer needs to add some control information to the data in order to do it’s job. This information is typically prepended to the data before being given to the lower layer. Once the lower layers deliver the the data and control information - the peer layer uses the control information. Encapsulation 对等通信 TCP/IP协议栈 TCP/IP协议的分层结构 TCP/IP协议栈总览 数据进入协议栈时的封装 以太网数据帧分用过程 2. 网络组成与报文变换 网络是由传输线路、网络设备、各种主机和服务器构成的一个分布式的系统。网络设备负责将传输线路连接起来,同时对接收到的分组做相应处理。常见的网络设备有: repeater中继器 hub集线器 bridge集线器 switch交换机 router路由器 gateway网关 Repeater Copies bits from one network to another Does not look at any bits Allows the extension of a network beyond physical length limitations HUB:集线器 The p


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