第 次课时计划.doc

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第 次课时计划.doc

第 26 次 课 时 计 划 the twenty-sixth lesson plan 体育系 2005 级 2005年11月22日 星期二 任课教师:崔鲁祥 教材teaching material Basketball game and the practice of basketball referees——教学比赛和裁判实习 教学 目标teaching purpose 1.The aim is to improve the students’ abilities of handling basketball technique and tactics consciousness. 1.提高学生比赛中运用技术能力和战术配合意识。 2.The aim is to improve the students’ understanding to basketball rules and referees’ skill. 2.提高学生对篮球规则的理解和临场裁判技巧。 顺序 order 课 的 内 容 与 lesson content and teaching organizing process 一 5′ 课堂常规 lesson routines 宣布上课 The teacher states:” class begins” 师生问好 The teacher and students solute each other 宣布课程和本课的目标、内容及要求 The teacher states teaching purpose, contents and demands 点名 The teacher calls the roll 安排见习生 The teacher arranges rest students 体育委员整队,报告人数 The monitor dresses the rank and reports to teacher. 上课队形如图所示: The students stand in ranks as in the picture. 明确本课的目标、内容与任务 The students know teaching purpose, contents and tasks. 要求:快、静、齐 demand : quickly, silently and orderly 二 20′ 准备活动 warm up 1.基本手法和脚步练习 basic handshape and footwork drill 2.全场曲线运球投篮练习 full-court crossover dribble and layup drills. 教学步骤 teaching steps 讲解示范 The teacher explains and demonstrates the practice 语言激励和提示 The teacher encourages and cues in students with words. 口令、手势指挥练习 The teacher directs practices with passwords and gesture. 练习形式如图所示: The format of practice shows as in the picture: 要求:demands: 1.stay low and keep your head up 运球保持低重心,抬头 2.when dribbling past the cones, the students change their hands. 运球绕过立柱时换手 三 15′ 自抢自抢投篮练习 shooting drills 投篮比赛 shooting competition 讲解示范 The teacher explains and demonstrates the practice 组织指导练习 The teacher organizes the practice 口令、手势指挥练习 The teacher directs practices with passwords and gesture. 语言激励 The teacher encourages the students with words. 练习形式如图所示: the format of practice shows as in the picture: 要求: demands: 1.投篮,面向球篮,肘垂直于球下面,伸臂,压腕 1.shooting,square up, elbow under ball, extend arm, follow through or fl


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