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2004 1 15 1 CH N ESE JO UR NAL OF A PPL ED ECOLO GY, Jan. 2004 , 15( 1) ∃131~ 135 * * * 陆星家 席贻龙 刘桂云 ( , 24 1000) , Pb . , 0. 625mg!L- 1Pb 10d , Pb . Pb , Pb , , . Pb , , . Pb , . Pb , Pb . , Pb , 637 . 6 mg!kg- 1 ; Pb . 100 1- 9332( 2004) 01- 0131- 05 S966. 12 A Accumulation and distribution of lead in Macr obra chium nipponens e. LU Xingj ia, X Y ilong, L U Guiyun ( College of L if e Science, A nhui Normal University , Wuhu 24 1000, China) . Chin. J . App l . Ecol . , 2004 , 15 ( 1) : 13 1~ 135. T he accumulation and distr ibution of lead gr anules in t he major org ans of M acro rachium nipponense were stud ied by means of histochemistr y, tr ansmission electron microscope ( T EM) and atomic absorption spectropho tometer ( AA S) analysis. T he results showed that many high electronic dense lead granules ( EDG) were found pr imar ily in the antennal gland of this species ex posed to 0. 625 mg!L- 1 Pb2+ for 10 days. Under T EM , lead granules w er e deposited in lysosome, then gradually accumulated in cell apex, and finally indiv idually discharged into gland lumen by apocrine secretion and excreted w ith urine. T here was a small quantity of lead granules in the cells of midgut . M any vacuolus were observ ed in the cytoplasm of the cells, and the nuclear membranes and cristae in mito chondria were disintegr ated partially . T he structure of hepatopancreas cells basically remained in tact, although there were a few of lead g ranules in the cells. No lead granule was found in the cells of gills, but a few of lead granules adsorbed on t he sur face of gill filaments among the gill


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