BEC高级听力 .ppt

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BEC高级听力 .ppt

BEC Higher Listening In-class material 趋势的表达法 Increase, rise, grow, go up Expand to, increase to, go up to, be up to, rise to Go up by x%, increase by x% Fluctuate, concussion Pick up, climb Surge up, hike sth up, jump up, shoot up, soar, zoom up, skyrocket Decrease, decline, drop, fall, go down, reduce Plunge, be slashed, slump, plump Tumble, be trimmed, dip, slip Surpass, outpace, exceed 数值的表达法 Reach, amount to, stand at, arrive at, hit 达到 Account for, occupy, make up, take 占(百分比) Increased 5 folds/by a factor of five/by 400% 增长5倍 A decrease by five times/80%/decreased to one fifth of the original 减少到五分之一 Finance bank statement / mortgage/ installment bank account (current; deposit)/ transfer    Fund-raising / Leveraged buyout/ granting (awarding) a fund interest rate / exchange rate Market prediction / annual progress review      assets / fixed assets  profit and loss account cost ? expenses ? net/gross income expenses claim form; reimburse, reimbursement Part III 答案出现分解 找准立场 The company’s idea is that… 客观发生的事实 Kevin怎么想?Jerry怎么想? 看清时态 A thing of the past is history later on In the next stage In the future Wasn’t ? 判断真假 Would love to see Wouldve been Thought Yes or no Be sensitive to conjunctions: Never: at no time, can’t, must not, by no means , be free of Partly yes/no: may, can, sometimes, maybe, might, unless, except, only if…, in the process of, not yet 直接给出错误信息(less and less) 以全盖偏(注意转换概念) A change New strategic move Update/alternation of policy 转换概念 for example: Demanding – too much is expected Move to another division – raise his profile within the company 孰轻孰重 Above all 注意排除 完全没有提及,也不是以全盖偏类 有提及,但是被否定 有提及,但是不是最重要 Ex.: Ultimately … His job is demanding, but … (证明只听一个关键词的害处) BEC Higher Listening Review Programme 每题错几个? 漏掉信息有多少 重音听得准不准 商务知识够不够 (单词,表达) 习语掌握好不好 (语感) 总体理解能不能 考试过程稳不稳 (审题,心理素质) Part II 考点1:知识 Time management? Financial Incentives? Staff turn-over? 考点2:听力技巧?能力 5次训练法 预测,概念化图像化,分层次,肯定或否定,追上语速,语调分析,过滤信息 审题方法,合理利用时间 考点3: 出题方向


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