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商务对话 .doc

1 K: We cant sign any commitment for ten years. But if your production quality is good after the first year, we could extend the contract and increase our yearly purchase.   R: That sounds reasonable. But could you shed some light on(透露)the size of your orders?   K: If we are happy with your quality, we might increase our purchase to 100,000 a year, for a two-year period.   R: Excuse me, Mr. Hughes, but it seems to me were giving up too much in this case. Wed be giving up the five-year guarantee for increased yearly sales.   K: Mr. Liu, youve got to give up something to get something.   R: If youre asking us to take such a large gamble(冒险)for just two years sales, Im sorry, but youre not in our ballpark(接受的范围).   K: What would it take to keep Pacer interested?   R: A three-year guarantee, not two. And a qualilty inspection(质量检查)tour after one year is fine, but wed like some of our personnel on the team.   K: Acceptable. Anything else?   R: Wed be making huge capital outlay(资本支出)for the production process, so wed like to set up a technology transfer agreement, to help us get off the ground(取得初步进步). Hotel english 酒店英语-前台接待 Welcome to our hotel. 欢迎光临。 Can I help you?我能帮你忙吗? What kind of room would you like, sir?先生,您要什么样的房间? Please wait a moment. I have to check if there is a room available.请稍等,我查一下有没有空房。 Enjoy your stay with us.希望您在我们这里住的愉快。 May I know your name and your room number, please?我可以知道您的名字和房间号码吗? Excuse me ,sir, could you spell your name?请问您的名字如何拼写? Here’s your room key.这是你的房间钥匙。 I’m sorry to keep you waiting, sir. What can I do for you? 先生,对不起,让您久等了。我能为您做点什么吗? Please wait your turn.请排队等候。 May I know your name, please?请问贵姓大名。(不认识客人时用) I’m sorry, sir. Our hotel rooms are all booked at this moment. We have no vacancy.对不起,先生。我们已经客满,没有空房间。 Don’t mention it. My pleasure.请不要客气,我乐意效劳。 Have a good rest, sir.先生,请好好休息。 Good morning, sir. Can I be of service to you? 早安,先生。 我可否为你效劳? A moment, please. I will be with you as soon as possible.请稍等片刻。我将尽快


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