商务英语:样品的表述 .doc

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商务英语:样品的表述 .doc

商务英语:样品的表述 时间:2005-03-21 15:39:07 阅读数:36  作者:伊始鱼  会员级别: 给作者留言 一、询求样品 1.本公司相信, 4月18日寄出的纪念品必已收到。本公司极为乐意知悉,此批货物是否合于贵公司的意愿,请来函告知。 We trust that the samples of souvenirs sent on the 18th April have reached you. We should be greatly obliged if you would inform us whether these goods are suitable for your purposes. 2.如能提供下列各种高档印刷用纸,请寄样品。 Will you please send us samples of the best printing papers you can offer of the following kinds: 3.贵公司的纸张如能符合我方要求,而且价格合理,可否提供样品? Can you send us samples of paper that you can guarantee in this respect, and that will also be reasonable in price? 4.下列品种的高档书信用纸如能供货,请寄样品。 Will you please send us samples of the best note-papers you can offer of the following kinds: 5.请寄给我们春季用的衬料新品种样品,库存或现生产中的布料均可。 You might also send me patterns of any new linings in stock or on the looms, for the spring. 二、寄送样品 1.贵公司昨日的来信收悉,我们将送去下列样品。 We have received your favour of yesterdays date, and have pleasure in enclosing you our samples as follows: 2.今日送上第三号混合燕麦样品,请查收。报价为F.O.B.旧金山,每夸特(28磅)10美元。 We have this day sent you, per sample post, a sample of No. 3 mixed oats, which we quote $10.00 per qr., f.o.b. San Francisco. 3.现送上我公司最近发行的目录一份和几件样品,贵公司对此可能感兴趣,我们静候回音。 We are enclosing a copy of our recent catalogue with a few samples which may possibly interest you, and shall be glad to hear from you at any time. 4.今天,我们冒昧送去小麦样品。 We take the liberty to day of sending you samples of wheat. 三、收到样品 1.贵公司5月20日寄来的样品和价目表均已收到。 Your esteemed favour of the 20th May, with samples and price-list, is duly to hand. 2.贵公司寄来的价格表、折扣率、成交条件和样品均收到。对以上诸方面,我们均感到满意。 We have received your samples, with a price-list, also your scale of rebate and terms of settlement, all of which we find satisfactory. 3.贵公司的样品已收到,现已转给用户。 Receiving your samples, we have shown them to hteir buyers. 4.贵公司6月1日的来信、葡萄酒样品和价目表均已收到。经试饮,品质很好。不足的是价格比我们的通常价格高出太多。 We have duly received your letter of Jun 1, with samples and price-list of your wines, which we have tested. The qualities are s


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