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毕 业 设 计(论文)外 文 文 献 翻 译 企业文化自信缺失与重建 学 院: 经济与管理学院 专业名称: 工商管理本科 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: Application of Relay Technology in Network Laboratory of University Abstract:Relay Technology is a management method that extracts from numerous construction processes. Fixing attention on current step, it mostly focus on finding the best action that would optimize the operations and connections between the neighboring steps so as to yield the best possible products or services. Along the steps of a process Relay Technology realizes the consistency of personal control, organization regulations, and surrounding environment, and therefore eliminates, to a very large extent, the loss or retardance caused by human errors or some uncontrollable events. To exert the function of network of laboratories, save resources, and improve teaching effectiveness, we apply Relay Technology in building the network of laboratory of one Institute. Keywords:Network Laboratory Building Relay technology Application Ⅰ.INTRODUCTION Electronic University Laboratory is the tendency of modern university optimization of every aspect of laboratory construction, attracting trainees and helping them acquire more knowledge, guiding students to make full use of spare time to learning, those are the core of building the network labs. By introducing the relay technology into labs building, this article analyses the advantage of Relay technology in network construction projects. Ⅱ.THE THEORY OF RELAY TECHNOLOGY A. The concept of Relay Technology Relay Technology is analogous to the strategy one would use in a relay race. Fixing attention on current step, it mostly focus on finding the best action that would optimize the operations and connections between the neighboring steps so as to yield the best possible products or services. Along the steps of a process Relay Technology realizes the consistency of personal control, organization regulations, and surrounding environment, and therefore


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