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J Biomed Eng 2002 19( 1) 11712 1 * 张 真  卢晓风  综述  李幼平  步 宏  审校 ( 四川大学 华西医院移植工程与移植免疫实验室, 成都 6 1004 1) , , , , , , - , RT - PCR / , ( CO N - FU CA L ) ( ) R replace ref ine r edu ce , The Actuality and Trend of Biomaterial Effectiveness and Safety Evaluation Zhang ZhenLu Xiaofeng Li Youping Bu hong ( L ab of T ransp l ant Eng ineeri ng and T ransp l ant I mmunology , West Chi na H osp it al of S ichuan Univ ers ity , Cheng du6 1004 1) Abstract T he evalu atio n o f bio m ater ial eff ectiveness and saf ety is a key st ep bef or e the biom aterial appr oa ches to clinics . In r ecent y ears, lot s of new biom at erials w ith diff er ent co mpo sitio n , sh ap e, implant site and u se hav e been co m ing o ut and in need of mo re specia l, sen sitive and system at ic evalua tio n m etho ds . W ith the dev elopm ent o f immunolo gy , m icr odetectiv e techniqu e, inbred str ain m amm al and ot her connect ive br anches, t her e ar e m any . - ( , ch ances f or t he con summ atio n and integ rat ion of biom at erial evalu atio n system T he t hr ee R pr inciple replace r ef ine, redu ce) , th at is, dev elo p ing in v itr o ex p erim ent s, u sing sensit ive , sp ecial and advanced eva lu ation m ethods, impr ov ing and reducing the m ember o f ex per im ental anim al s, as w ell as the fundam enta l r ule, th at is, establishing an eva lu atio n system cov ering t hree lev els ( mo lecule , cell and body) w ill gu ide t he r esear ch o f bio m ater ial ev alu ation


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