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南昌大学 2009届本科毕业论文 论文题目:杭州市五星级酒店过剩状况分析 及对策研究 学生姓名: XX 所在院系:XX学院 所学专业:旅游管理 导师姓名: X X 完成时间:2009年5月Five-star hotels in Hangzhou surplus situation analysis And Countermeasures Abstract The hotel industry is the core of the tourism industry, the level of its development reflects the local socio-economic level of development to some extent. As the ancient civilization and modern economic miracle of making the other more beautiful tourist city of Hangzhou, in recent years, the hotel industry is undoubtedly one of the most rapidly developing industries, the status and role can not be underestimated in the economic development of Hangzhou. However, so far from the 2005, five-star hotel in Hangzhou investment and the construction seems a bit overheated, which will in turn supply relative surplus trend. Surplus to the state of their own five-star hotel in Hangzhou, it has an extremely negative impact or even affects the other aspects of the production and life. In such a situation, the Government departments should intensify macro-control efforts, and the hotel parties must also take active measures to avoid surplus brought about by the various adverse effects, thereby promoting the healthy and orderly development of Hangzhou hotel industry. Key words:Hangzhou; five-star hotel; surplus; analysis; Countermeasures 目录 引言 1 1 杭州市五星级酒店的过剩状况 1 1.1 五星级酒店超常规发展 1 1.2 客源市场需求相对不足 1 2 杭州市五星级酒店过剩所造成的负面影响 2 2.1 经营效益下滑 2 2.2 人才的严重不足 2 2.3 抢夺了中低档酒店的客源 3 2.4 五星级酒店的重复兴建造成的资源浪费 3 3 造成杭州五星级酒店过剩的原因 3 3.1 客观方面的原因 3 3.1.1 旅游业的迅猛发展是投资五星级酒店的“兴奋剂” 3 3.1.2 良好的投资环境是投资五星级酒店的“强心针” 4 3.1.3 奥运会、世博会的临近是投资五星级酒店的“定心丸” 4 3.2 主观方面的原因 5 3.2.1 政府缺乏引导,审批不严格 5 3.2.2 多方面资金涌入,盲目看好高端市场 5 4 解决杭州市五星级酒店过剩状况的策略 5 4.1 政府应加大宏观调控力度 6 4.1.1 规范五星级酒店的立项审批程序 6 4.1.2 加强旅游行政管理部门的管理力度 6 4.1.3 改革投资和融资机制 6 4.1.4 鼓励正当竞争 7 4.2 酒店经营者要努力消除过剩造成的不利影响 7 4.2.1 强化酒店服务差异 7 4.2.2 树立“员工第一”思想 7 4.2.3 创建主题酒店 7 4.2.4 强化管理和加大技术投入 8 4.2.5 建立酒店全球分销系统 8 5 结语 9 参考文献 9 致谢 10 引言 新的世纪,新的机遇,中国加入世贸组织,上海获取世博会主办权,北京、广东相继赢得奥运、亚运两大盛会举


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