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中文题目:电池盖注塑模具设计 外文题目:THE DESIGNING OF INJECTION MOULD OF THE BATTERY COVER 毕业设计(论文)共 47 页(其中:外文文献及译文13页) 图纸共5张 完成日期 2011年5月 答辩日期 2011年6月 摘要 由于塑料制品在日常社会中得到广泛利用,模具技术己成为衡量一个国家产品制造水平的重要标志之一。国内注塑模在质与量上都有了较快的发展。但是与国外的先进技术相比,我国还有大部分企业仍然处于需要技术改造、技术创新、提高产品质量、加强现代化管理以及体制转轨的关键时期 对注塑模的研究有助于促进模具行业中产品的创新和模具的开发,培养解决实际问题的能力,这对提升我国注塑模具的自主创新和自主研发能力具有重大意义。 关键词:注塑模;CAD;结构设计;塑料 Abstract With the broad application of the plastic product in society,the mould technology has become a significant sign of measuring a nation’prodcut manufacturing level.The domestic injection mould has gained fast development in quality and quantity.However,compared to the advanced technology of foreign country,a vast majority of enterprises of our nation still are in the critical stage of being badly in need of the technology transformation,the technology innovation,promoting the product quality,enhancing modern management and shifting the system.Therefore,there is urgent need to strengthen the research of the injection mould. This article conducst comprehensive statements of the designing content and designing key points of the eight great compositions of the injection mould,conduct classification and research of common injection moulds;analyzes the structure and application of the product;considere the installation of the mould on the injection machine while designing the mould;by means of the analysis of the product,confirm the bent cover as the parting line ;by means of the contrast of several common slides,select the lifter as the slide and explain the structure designing of the lifter in detail;introduce the designing of the core insert and the matters needing attention of designing runner system. The research of the injection mould contributes to the innovation of product and the development of the mould in mould industry,fostering the practical ability of solving the problems,which has significant meaning in promoting the innovation and development on our own of our nation抜njec



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