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20 11 6 J ISUAN J I YU X IAN DA IHUA 190 : 20 11) BP , (郑州大学信息工程学院, 河南 郑州 450002) : 在研究标准 BP神经网络的基础上, 针对其存在的收敛速 慢且容易陷入局部极小值等问题进行分析, 设计实现 一种采用数值优化的方法来改进 BP 网络性能的新的混合神经网络模型通过引入遗传模拟退火算法扩大了网络的权 值更新空间, 把得到最优权值赋予BP神经网络, 从而使优化后的神经网络具有泛化性好, 不易陷入局部极小值等优点 与标准 BP 神经网络进行比较, 仿真结果表明, 该网络模型能够达到比较高的分类精 : 数值优化; 遗传模拟退火算法; BP 神经网络; 权值; 泛化性 : T P 183 : A doi: 10. 3969 / .j ssn. 20 11. 06. 026 BP N eural N etw ork Op tim ization A lgo rithm B a sed on G en eticstim u lated Annealing L Q ongshua, WANG Sh q ng ( Schoo l of Inform at on Eng neer ng, Zhengzhou U n vers ty, Zhengzhou 4 50002, Ch na) A b stract: A fter study ng the d sadvantage o f BP neura l ne wt ork w h ch has low convergent speed and trap nto loca lm nm a eas ly, an dea o f des gn ng a new hybr d neura l newt ork modelw h ch adopts the m ethod o f num er ca l optm za t on s presented. By u s ng G enet cStmu lated A nneal ng a lgo r thm ( GSA ) , expands the updated space o fw e gh t. On the bas s, tm akes the acqu red be tter va lue as the w e ght o f BP neura l netw o rk, and the optm zed BP newt ork s no t easy to trap nto the local m nm a and has good genera l zat on character st c. M ak ng the comparat on G SA netw ork w th standard BP netw o rk, sm ulat on analys s demonstra tes that th s newt ork m ode l can atta n h gher ca tego r es o f prec s on. K ey w ords: num er ca l optm zat on; genet cstmu lated annea lng a lgor thm; BP neura l netw ork; w e ght; genera l zat on BP 0 , BP ,


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