Model-Centric Design课件.ppt

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Model-Centric Design Danny L. Kahler, P.E. Session T31 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. August 29th, 2006 ASQ Annual Conference Energy Environmental Division Design Construction Division Tucson, Arizona Speaker Introduction Danny L. Kahler, P.E. Civil Engineer Bridgefarmer Associates, Dallas, TX 20+ years of engineering experience ASQ Senior Member ASQ CQA, CQM, CQE and CSQE Vocabulary Model - A simplified representation of a system at some particular point in time or space intended to promote understanding of the real system System – A system exists and operates in time and space Vocabulary (Continued) Model Centric Design – All significant design processes extract information from and update changes to a digital model that represents the real system Traditional Design Technology The “model” is represented by lines and numbers on rectangular sheets Each sheet only shows small section of the design Visualizing the proposed design requires significant practical experience Changes to the design are difficult Large labor forces are required for drafting Enabling Technology Computer software that allows a design to be drawn using real world units in the same coordinate system that will be used for construction Computer networks that allow multiple users to to see the latest version of any design component in it’s actual location IT’S NOT ABOUT SOFTWARE! Software packages are just tools that help us work with the data We use software to retrieve the data, analyze it, manipulate it, put it back in, and present it Model-centric design is about improving the way we use the data to make design decisions Software Won’t Improve Anything Design firms continue to invest in the latest software with little improvement in real productivity Managers eventually turn deaf ears to production staff requests for each new “killer” application Senior designers still rely on plan sheets to make design changes We Need Model-Centric Thinking Firms can separate pure design from construction d


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