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40 Bet on Chinese Edit io n Ready- m ixed Concrete 2006 年第5 期 1 2 1 1 , , , ( 1. , 100083; 2. , 100083 [ ] , , , , , , [ ] ; ; ; the Effect of the Particle Size Distribution of Sand on Strength of Self- Leveling Material of Floor 1 2 1 1 L I zhang uo , L IU juanho ng , H U A NG x in , T A N G tianzong ( 1. Beihang U niver sity, Beijing , 1000 83; 2 . U niversit y of Science T echnolog y Beijing , Beijing , 100083 AbstractT he pa rticle size distr ibution of sand has a larg e inf luence on mo rtar str eng th . In t his paper t he eff ect of the pa rticle size distributio n o f sand o n the fluidity and str eng th of self - L eveling M aterial of F loo r is ex plor ed . T he results indicate: the w ater co nsumpt ion and strengt h are diff er ent under diff er ent sur f ace area w ith the same fluidity. Some tiny particles ar e r equired to f ill t he interspace of la rg e particles and make t he structure closed- gr ain . T he flexural str eng th and compressive strength is hig hest w hen the par ticle size distri- butio n is reasonable. Keywordspar ticle size dist ribution ; self - L ev eling material of f loo r; st rength ; f luidity , SL 1 , SL ( SL , 2 , : 425 , , , 1 SL : ,



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