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4 1 4 四川大 学 学 报 ( 工程 科 学版 ) V o.l 4 1 N o. 4 2009 7 JOU RNA L O F S ICHUA N U N IV ER S ITY ( EN G IN EER ING SC IENCE ED IT ION ) Ju ly 2009 1009-30 87 ( 2009) 04-0059-04 贾 超, 刘兴芳 ( , 25006 1) , , , , , , , , , , , , ; ; ; ; ; TV6 A M athem atic M odeling and Its App lication of Op tim al Insp ection-tim e In terval for D eteriorating Structural System s J IA Chao, LI UX ing-f ang ( School of C iv il Eng ineering, Sh andong U n iv. , Jin an 25006 1, Ch in a) Abs tract: T raditional m ethod o f determ ining the m ain tenance t mi e of a structure system w as to con sider it as a non- deteriorat ing system. A ctua lly, the whole life- cycle o f structures f its the characterist ics of deteriorating system, so estab lish ing the m aintenance strategy of deteriorat ing system h as a significant eng ineering m ean ing. Based on char- acteristics o f the deteriorating system, the differences betw een deteriorating stru ctura l system s and non-deteriorating structura l system s w ere d iscussed in the pap er, and the m athem at ica l ava ilab ility m ode l and opt mi al m aintenance strategy m odel has been dedu ced for de teriorating system s. B ased on reliab ility theory, a m ech an ical m ode l of the deteriorat ing structure s failure m ode w as established, wh ich adopts the m in mi um life- cycle cost strategy as the ob- ject ive function. T he optmi a l interval check t mi e o f deter iorat ing stru ctural system s w as obtained. A dam in Shan- dong prov ince as an examp le w as stud ied, a cost-check tmi e curve w as obta ined. Som e useful conclu sion sw ere g iv- en. K ey w ord s: deteriorating


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