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( ) 第 33 卷 第 4 期 延边大学学报 自然科学版 Vol . 33 No . 4        ( )        2007 年 12 月 J our nal of Yanbian U niver sit y N at ural Science Dec . 2007 文章编号 : (2007) Treatment of Waste water Containing Chloroguaiacol s Using Twostage Anaerobic Fixed Bed Reactor Yin Chengri1 ,  GA O Zaiyuan2 ( 1. Key L aboratory of Org anis m F unctional F actors of t he Chang bai M ount ai n , M i nis t ry of E d ucation , Yanbi an Uni ve rs i ty ; 2 . L ibra ry of Yanbi an Uni ve rs i ty : Yanj i J i l i n 133002 , Chi na ) Abstract : Anaerobic t reat ment of wa st ewat er cont aining chloroguaiacol s wa s st udied wit h focu s on t he removal of chlorinat ed guaiacol s. Exp eriment s were carried out u sing a laboratoryscale anaerobic fixed bed reactor op erat ed at different hydraulic ret ention times ( H R Ts) . The p rocess efficiently removed four types of chlorinated guaiacols when the HR T was 24 h . In this condition , all chlorinated guaiacol s were almo st completely removed. The microbial community structure in the reactor was not changed significantly during operating period. Key words : anaerobic t reat ment ; chloroguaiacol s ; fixed bed reactor CLC number : X703 . 1    Document code : A 1  Introduction Traditionally , t he concer n over di schar ge s f ro m t he p ulp and p ap er in du st ry ha s been focu sed on t he ri sk of fiber depo sition s and


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