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2009 9 Vol. 14, No. 3 JOURNAL OF ANHU I ELECTR ICAL ENGINEER ING PROFESSIONAL TECHNIQUE COLLEGE Septem ber 2009 朱雨晨 (, 102206) : 风力发电作为一种绿 能源越来越受到世界各国的重视并得到了广泛的开发和利用 近年来, 在国家大力发展清洁能源政策的扶持下, 我国风电产业以超预期的速度迅猛发展, 但 与世界上风电发展水平较高的国家相比, 我国风电发展相对滞后, 产业基础比较薄弱, 风电发 展仍面临一些挑战分析了我国风电产业发展过程中出现的主要问题并就如何促进我国风电 产业健康发展提出了对策与建议 : 风力发电; 发展; 挑战; 对策 : TM 614 : A : 1672-9706( 2009) 03-0074-03 The Thinking about the Developm ent ofW ind Power Industry in China ZH U Yu-chen (N orth Ch ina E lectric P ow er Un ivers ity, B eij ing 102206, Ch ina ) Abstract: It has been increasingl paid attention to thew ind pow erw hich is an environmen t friend l ener- g source and has been w idel exp lored and used. Recentl, w ith the mi plementation of clean ing energ polic , Ch ina s w ind pow er industr is boosting fiercel out of expectation. H ow ever, due to the late de- velopment ofw ind pow er industr and inferior foundation comparedw ith those high l developed countries, the w ind pow er industr in China still faces up w ith a serious of challenges. Based on the anal sis of the factors that restrain Ch ina s w ind pow er industr , advices and strategies for mi proving w ind pow er indus- tr are proposed. K ey words:w ind pow er; development; challenge; strateg , , 2008, 1221 , 10%, 2008, 630 , 23% , , , , , , 1 1. 1 , , , , , , , , 2006 3. 64, 2005 108250 , : 2009-04-26 : 朱雨晨( 1988 年-) , 女, 安徽合肥人, 专业方向: 电气工程及其自动化 74 : 2000, 21600 , , , , , , , 1. 2 , , , , , 7, , , , , , , , 1~ 2, , , , , , , , , 1. 3 , 25


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