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∃ 210∃ 2010 38 12 , , (安徽丰原化工装备有限公司, 安徽 蚌埠 233010) : , , : , : ; ; ; Techn ical Analysis on D esign P aram eters of L iquefied P etroleum G as Tank H U Yong - b ing, ZHANG Q i, MA D e- j in ( Anhu i BBCA Chem ical Equ ipment Co. , Ltd. , Anhui Beng u 233010, Ch ina) Abs tract: Liquefied petroleum gas tank w as a kind of typ ical pressure vessel, the value of design pressure w as al w ays optmi ized along w ith revision of the related standards or regulations in the different period, w hich w as very mi portant to catch on to the up- to- date standards and exactly confirm design param eters. M eanwh ile, itw as also justifia le design route to pay more attention to such factors of design pressure, the m ixed composition of liquefied petroleum gas, the satu rated vapor pressure and filling ratio. K ey w ord s: design pressure; w orking pressure; saturated vapor pressure; filling ratio 27GB50028- 93 , , 1. 6M Pa! [5] 1. 5 34. 2, [ 4] , 1. 7% ~ 10% , , 27 3- 2 , 50 , , , , , 3- 2 , ! ! ! [ 6] [ 5] ! ! 1 , , 1995 [ 1] 181 ∀# 27 [ 2] 1. 57M Pa 678 GB50028- 93 1. 6MPa [ 3- 4] 1. 6MPa !, 1. 6MPa, , 50 , 5


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