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Unit 6 A Day’s Wait III. 1. 1) prescribed 2) shiver 3) scattered 4) acid 5) slid 6) slipped 7) flushed 8) poised 9) take it easy 10) varnishing 11)slack 12)epidemic 2. 1) flushed 2) keep from 3) gaze 4) icy 5) commenced 6) shiver 7) hold tight onto themselves 8) scattered 9) out of sight 10) overcome 3. 1) brought down 2) wrote down 3) is going on 4) hold onto 5) look up 6) woke up 7) keep from 8) worry about 4. 1) The story of his adventures makes good reading. 2) Weve made 80 miles since noon. 3) George makes $250 a week. 4) I make the distance 12 miles. 5) If you work hard youll make a good engineer. 6) Twelve inches make one foot. 7) One swallow does not make a summer. 8) That event made the headlines in all the big newspapers. 5. 1) three tenths 2) two thirds 3) a / one quarter 4) three quarters 5) four ninths 6) four fifths IV.1. 1) thermochemistry : the branch of chemistry dealing with the relations between chemical action and heat 2) thermodynamics: the branch of physics that deals with the relations between heat and other forms of energy or work, and the conversion of one into the other 3) thermoelectron: a negatively charged particle given off by a heated body 4) thermology: the science of heat 5) thermomagnetic: of or having to do with the effect of heat as modifying the magnetic properties of bodies 6) thermomotor: an engine driven by the expansive power of heated air or other gas 7) thermonuclear : of or having to do with the fusion of atoms through very high temperature 8) thermotherapy: ?therapy in which heat is used 2. Given the meaning of the following words formed with kilo-(one thousand) and mini-(one thousandth of a unit) 略 V. 1) Id rather not talk about it 2) Id rather you didnt 3) Id rather you went back there now 4) d rather have a quiet night in front of the TV 5) I would rather go early 6) d rather you didnt smoke in our office VI.1 1) I knocked several times before an elderly lady answered the door. 2) Marcus practised three long years bef


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