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V ol No Jan T N A doi issn j Hong Lei Su Jue Yang Li et al T heoretical analy sis of U nlocked Circular polarized erbium doped fiber ring laser gy roscope based on Faraday effect J Journal of U niversity of Science and T echnology of China J Theoretical analysis of Unlocked Ci rcular polarized erbium doped fiber ring laser gyroscope based on Faraday effect HON G Lei S U Jue Y A N G Li QIA N Jingren Dep artment of E lect ronic Eng inee r ing and I nf o r m at ion Sc ience Univ e rs ity of Sc ience and Techno lo g y of Ch ina H ef e i Ch ina A nh ui K ey L abo r ato r y Op toe lec tronic Sc ience and Techno lo g y H ef e i Ch ina K ey L abo r ato r y of E lect rom ag ne t ic Sp ace I nf o r m at ion Chinese A c ade my of Sc ience H ef e i Ch ina Abstract Faraday medium w as introduced into circular polarized erbium doped fiber ring laser gy ro scope to break the f requency locked phenomenon U sing Jones matrix the polarization of Eigen polarization of the laser w as propo sed Compared w ith the laser w ithout Faraday medium the polarization has not changed M eanw hile the parsing ex pression of the output sig nal of the gy ro w as deduced w hich indicated that the unlocked fiber ring laser gy ro scope can be realized due to the introduction of the Faraday eff ect Key words f requency locked circular polarization Faraday eff ect fiber laser


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