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2014 年 第23 卷 第 10 期 计 算 机 系 统 应 用 基于典型相关的脑功能网络构建方法① 汪成林, 曾卫明, 时莹超 (上海海事大学 信息工程学院, 上海 201306) 摘 要: 人脑是自然界中最复杂的系统之一, 在该系统中, 各个脑区之间相互作用构成脑网络. 为方便科学研究, 学者们通过不同的方法构建脑功能网络. 本文基于自动结构标签模板和典型相关来构建脑功能网络, 并研究了 所构建网络的某些关键的拓扑性质, 如小世界性, 全局效率, 局部效率等. 与此同时, 比较了正常被试与心理异 常海员脑功能网络的这些性质, 结果表明在统计意义上正常被试和心理异常海员某些性质存在显著性差异, 说 明此种脑功能网络构建方法是可行的. 关键词: 典型相关; 脑功能网络; 小世界性; 心理异常海员 Approach for Estimating Functional Brain Networks Based on Canonical Correlation WANG Cheng-Lin, ZENG Wei-Ming, SHI Ying-Chao (College of Information Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University, Beijing 201306, China) Abstract: Human brain is one of the most complex systems in the world, and the interaction between different regions has constituted brain network. To aid scientific research, scholars build brain functional networks with variety of methods. In this paper, brain functional networks were estimated by using AAL (Anatomical Automatic Labeling) template and Canonical Correlation, and some topology properties such as small-world property, global efficiency, local efficiency, etc. were studied. The result indicates some characteristics present significantly statistical difference between normal population and abnormal psychological sailors. The prominent conclusion demonstrates the proposed way of building functional networks is feasible. Key words: canonical correlation; brain functional networks; small-world property; abnormal psychological sailors 现实世界中很多复杂系统都可以用网络来进行描 间分辨率, 所以在研究人类脑功能时成为了重要的检 述. 人脑是自然界中最复杂的系统之一, 在此系统中, 查手段[4]. 存在着很多个区域, 这些区域之间的相互作用是人脑 一个网络一般由节点和边组成. 在静息态脑功能 进行信息处理和认知表达的结构基础[1,2].


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