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基于CT试验的高强高性能混凝土 单轴压缩分形损伤研究 范宇,郑山锁 (西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,陕西西安 710055) 摘 要:对强度等级为C100的高强高性能混凝土立方体试件进行了单轴压缩试验,用断层扫描技术(CT)对立方体试件进行破 坏过程阶段性扫描;应用分形理论对各细观结构断面图像进行分形特性分析.分形分析结果显示高强高性能混凝土断裂面在一 定尺度范围内具有分形特性;通过与普通强度混凝土断裂面分形特性对比表明,随着混凝土强度的升高,其断裂面的不规则程 度降低,其相应的分形维数降低.定义了一种基于混凝土断裂面分形维数的损伤变量,分析了其演化发展规律;结果表明将分 形维数作为衡量高强高性能混凝土损伤程度的参数是可行的.该论文为研究高强高性能混凝土在复杂受力条件下的分形损伤性 能提供了理论基础. 关键词:高强高性能混凝土;CT断层扫描;分形损伤变量;细观结构 中图分类号: 文献标识码: 文章编号: Study on Fractal Damage of HSHPC under Uniaxial Compression Based on CT FAN Yu,ZHENG Shan-suo (School of Civil Engineering, Xi ’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi ’an 710055, China) Abstract: The experiment of high strength and high performance cubic specimen with 100 strength grade under various stress level are made. The scanning of cubic specimen at various stages in the process of destroying are also made by using CT (Computed Tomography); the fractal characteristics of these sectional images of microscopic structures are analyzed by fractal theory. Fractal analysis shows that the fractural surface of high strength and high performance concrete has fractal properties in a certain scale range; the analysis also shows that the irregular degree of fractural surface is decreasing and its corresponding fractal dimension is also decreasing with the increase of concrete strength by comparing with the fractural surfaces’ fractal properties of ordinary concrete. A damage variable was defined on the basis of fractural surfaces ’ fractal dimension of concrete, the law of evolution and development of the variable was also analyzed. It has suggested that the fractal dimension defined in the paper can be used as parameter of damage in high strength and high performance concrete. The paper pro


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