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2009国际贸易实务试卷A参考答案 一、填空题 品质机动幅度条款 国际贸易惯例 风险以装运港船舷为界 法国 特殊附加险 承担损失的责任不同 命令 公证鉴定业务 延期履行合同 提交仲裁的协议 单选题 1、① 2、④ 3、② 4、① 5、② 6、① 7、③ 8、② 9、③ 10、③ 多选题 1、③④ 2、①②③④⑤ 3、①④ 4、①③④⑤ 5、②③④⑤ 6、①②③④ 7、③④⑤ 8、④⑤ 9、①②③④⑤ 10、①②③ 1.Neutral packing is the packing without the name and address of the manufacturer, the origin of country, the trade mark and brand. 2. For some less valued products, we may stipulate in the contract the weight is calculated by gross weight, this is so called gross for net. 3. A draft or bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing signed by one party (drawer) requesting a second party (drawee/payer) to make payment in lawful money immediately or at a determined future time to a third party (payee). 4. When the whole ship was threatened by a peril of the sea or some other hazard, in order to save the ship and some of the cargo, part of the cargo or vessel have to be sacrificed, this kind of sacrificed is so called general average. 5. Shipping Mark usually consists of a simple design, some letters, numbers and simple words, and other contents etc. 简答题 1.(1)Inspection in the factory, (2)Inspection at or before the shipment, (3)Inspection at the importing country, (4)inspection at the port of shipment of the exporting country and reinpcetion at the port of destination or importing country . 2.(1)It happens after the contract is signed. (2)It is not due to the negligence of the buyer or the seller. (3) Neither the buyer nor the seller can control the situation. 3.(1)Voluntary (2)An arbitration agreement (3)Simpler in procedures, less costly and time –consuming than litigation. (4)The award is final and binding on both parties. 4.(1)Applying import license (2)Signing sales contract (3)Opening letter of credit (4)arrange shipment and insurance (5)Document examination and payment (6)Customs clearance


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