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1.他想当足球明星的梦想随着时间的推移慢慢消退了His dream of becoming a football star faded out as time went by. 2.一架波音747飞机没有升到足够的高度以飞越那座高山,转瞬间一头撞向大山爆炸了。机上无人生还。A Boeing 747 aircraft didn’t gain enough height to clear the mountain. In a twinkling, it crashed into the mountain and blew up. No one survived in the accident. 3.学生们可以很容易的获得图书馆的资源,所以他们应该从分地利用好图书馆。Students have easy access to the resources in the library, so they are supposed to make the best use of it. 4.当时世界上最豪华的游轮泰坦尼克号在她前往美国的途中撞到了冰山,结果轮船沉没在大西洋中,成百上千的人死于这场海难。Titanic, the most luxurious ship in the world at that time, hit an iceberg when she was under way to the US. Consequently, the ship sank into the Atlantic Ocean and thousands of people died in this shipwreck. 5.每年夏天,游客们都涌向这一著名的海滩。来此享受日光浴的游客像沙丁鱼一样挤满了海滩。Every summer, all the tourists pour into this famous beach. They lie packed like sardines on the beach to enjoy the sunbathing。 6.他们曾经到圣路易斯去过一次,对于那里的新奇食物稍微知道一个大概,可是现在他们的光荣时代已成过去了。他们从此自知没趣,再也不说话了,而且每逢这个毫不留情的机匠走过来的时候,他们就知道赶快躲开。They have been to St. Louis once and have a vague general knowledge of its wonders, but the day of their glory is over now. They lapse into a humble silence and learn to disappear when the ruthless engineer approaches。 7.我发现在办公室里坐了一天之后,晚上沿着静静地湖边散散步会令人神清气爽。I find that walking along the quiet lake can provide refreshment from a day’s sedentary job。 8.锻炼和放松自己通常被认为是治疗疲劳症的有效方法。Exercising and relaxing yourself reckon as an effective cure for fatigue. 9.你的活动量越小,机体老化的过程就越快,你就越容易面临生理和心理方面的种种问题。The less active you are, the faster is your aging process accelerates, and the easier you become to physical and psychological problems。 10.即使你坚持节食,你也不可能减到你所希望的那种身材的程度。Even if you keep up dieting, you cannot reduce to the kind of the body-shaping you want. 11.人们认为他有一个幸福的晚年,因为在这期间他除了睡觉、吃饭几乎什么事情都不做。但是他却常常感到疲倦和心情压抑。People thought he had happy late years during which time he did little but slept and ate, yet he was often tired and depressed. 12.过去,人们用搓衣板洗衣服,用手捆干草,很少抱怨疲劳;而如今人们拥有各种节省体力的装置和方便的交通设施,但却总是抱怨疲惫不堪。In the past when hay was


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