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有关母爱的名言 1.A mother‘s love never changes. 母爱永恒 2.A mother‘s love is like a circle. It has no begining and no ending 母爱就像一个圆。没有起点,也没有终点。 3.mother understands what a child does not say 母亲最懂孩子心。 T e x t Thanks,mom,for all you have done Watch the public service advertizing. answer some questions After watching the video , Do you have any feeling? have you ever give mother to wash feet? The group discussion and writre your own feeling…… question: 1.do you rember your mother’s birthday? 2.how long have you and your mother didn’t meet again? 3.What do you want to say to mother? 4.On mother’s day ,what do you want to send a gift? There is a love, is the worlds most selfless love; there is a pay, is the worlds most sincere pay; there is a concern, is the worlds most permanent care, this is the mother to give our all. Mothers love is silent; mothers love is delicate; mothers love is great; mothers love is enduring. Nothing compared to this world again. 有关母爱的歌曲: 听妈妈的话,周杰伦 烛光里的妈妈,毛阿敏 妈妈的吻,程英 影视作品: This is a typical Taiwan movie. The plot is very simple. You can imagine the whole story right from the beginning. And tears never stop from the beginning to the end. (I think the director wants to sale the tissues.) In fact, people there are all not bad guys, and they could have a peaceful life. For examples, Qiu Xia could live with her son in her ex-husbands house, at least for some time. But they just refused it. The most shinning point is the little boy, around 5-6 years old. He played very good. 国际学院-软件工程-1303 第二小组 Unit 3 Text A Thanks, Mom, for All You Have Done 国际学院-软件工程-1303 第二小组 国际学院-软件工程-1303 第二小组 国际学院-软件工程-1303 第二小组 国际学院-软件工程-1303 第二小组 国际学院-软件工程-1303 第二小组 国际学院-软件工程-1303 第二小组 Text A expresses his gratitude to his mother in letter on Mother’s Day,tahnks her for all she has done for him 【妈妈洗脚】 公益广告 第二小组 材料搜集: 设计排版: 后期制作: 监制: 国际学院-软件工程-1303 第二小组 Unit 3 Text A Thanks, Mom, for All You Have Done


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