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家庭结构变迁对农村家庭养老的影响分析 摘 要 20世纪80年代以来,中国农村集体经济制度让位于家庭联产承包责任制,以及严格控制农村劳动力流向城市政策的放松,使农村大量剩余劳动力纷纷流向城市。计划生育政策的实施,使我国人口出生率迅速降低,家庭人口规模也相应的减少,家庭结构类型也由原来的联合家庭和主干家庭为主转变为现在的核心家庭为主;生活和医疗条件的改善,使人口的预期寿命增加,我国已经进入老龄化社会。这些对于老年人的养老问题都提出了严峻挑战,特别是我国广大农村地区,家庭结构日趋小型化、核心化,养老资源提供者的日益减少,老年家长传统权威的不复存在,尊老养老意识的淡薄,加之农村社会保障制度的不完善,这些都对农村家庭养老造成了极大地冲击。本文从农村家庭规模、家庭结构类型、代际层次和代际关系方面分别分析了家庭结构变迁的情况,并总结了家庭结构变迁的原因,简要分析了家庭结构变迁对农村家庭养老所产生的影响,并探求农村养老的新模式,力图为解决农村农民未富先老的养老问题提供新的思路和方法。 关键词:家庭结构;农村老人;家庭养老; Abstract From since the 1980 s, China's rural collective economy system make the household contract responsibility system, and strictly control the relaxation of the policy of rural labor flow to cities to make a large number of surplus rural labor force to cities. The implementation of family planning policy, to lower the birth rate in China, family population size also corresponding reduced, family structure type also by a combination of the original family and trunk families into the core of the family now, Life and improvement of medical conditions, increase the life expectancy of the population, our country has entered the aging society, the pension for the elderly problems put forward severe challenges. Especially in the rural areas in China, increasingly miniaturized, core family structure, reduce the resource provider, traditional authority of the parents, respect for the elderly pension consciousness weak, the rural social security system is not perfect, all these caused greatly impact on rural family endowment. This article from the family size, family structure type, intergenerational levels and inter-generational relations aspect analyzes the situation of family structure change, and summarizes the cause of the family structure change, analyzes in detail the dual effects of family structure change of rural family endowment, and explore the new mode of rural old-age, trying to solve the problem of rural farmers old before rich endowment provide ideas and methods. Key words: family structure;Rural elder


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