principle of plastic molding engineering塑性成形工艺.doc

principle of plastic molding engineering塑性成形工艺.doc

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principle of plastic molding engineering塑性成形工艺.doc

The concept of the plastic forming(Sheet metal forming)塑性成形(金属板料成型)概念:sheet metal forming are those which force applied to a piece of sheet metal to modify its geometry rather than remove any material. The applied force stresses metal beyond its yield strength, causing the material to plastically deform, but not to fail. By doing so, the sheet can be bent or stretched into a variety of complex shapes. Sheet metal forming processes include the following 板料成型工艺是在外力作用下改变金属板料的几何形状而不是去除任何材料。施加在金属上的外力取决于其屈服强度,使其产生塑性变形但不是失效。通过这种方法,金属板料可以被弯曲或者拉伸成为各种复杂的形状。金属板料成型工艺包括以下: Bending 弯曲成型 1.concept概念:A force is applied to a piece of sheet metal, causing it to bend at an angle and form the desired shape. The bending operation causes deformation along one axis, but a sequence of several different operations can be performed to create a complex part. Bent parts can be quite small, or up to 20 feet in length. A bend can be characterized by several different parameters弯曲成形是一个外力作用在一个金属板上,引起了一个角度的弯曲而得到我们所需要的形状。弯曲变形会引起沿着一个弯曲轴的变形,但是一系列不同的操作会产生一个复杂的部分。弯曲部分可能会非常小,也有可能会达到20英尺那么长。弯曲可以通过一些参数来表示: 弯曲线bend line 模外线outside mold line 法兰长flange length 模线距mold line distance 弯曲轴bend axis 弯曲宽bend length 弯曲半径bend radius 弯曲角bend angle 弯曲斜角bevel angle 中性层neutral axis setback 弯曲余量bend allowance 示意图: 中性层neutral axis:the location in the sheet that is neither stretched nor compressed and remains at a constant length; outside of the neutral axis undergo the tension and become langer; inside portion experienced compression and become shorter中性层处不受力长度不发生变化,中性层上方受拉应力并且变长,中性层下方受压应力并且变短. 示意图: Springback回弹:which is caused by residual stresses, due to elastic recovery. The results of the springback is greater the bend radius and smaller the bend angle. The amount of the springback depends on several factors including the material, the bend operation, the initial bend angle and bend radius.回弹是由于残余应力导致的,是因为弹性回复。回弹导致了弯曲


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