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组织工程 ( Tissue Engineering ) 基础医学院 路艳蒙 tse@ Outline Introduction to Tissue Engineering Stem cells Seed cells modified by gene Scaffold materials Nerve Tissue Engineering Tendon Cartilage Tissue Engineering Introduction to Tissue Engineering Topics Historical Perspective Prior to 1950 references to the concept of tissue engineering may be found in the literature In the 1970s and 1980s research on what we now call tissue engineering emerges In 1987 the term tissue engineering is “coined” In 1988 the first meeting called tissue engineering is held at Lake Tahoe In the 1990s research accelerates and an industry begins to emerge Tissue engineering is: ?? “an interdisciplinary field that incorporates and applies the principles of engineering and life sciences toward the development of biological substitutes that restore, maintain, or improve tissue organ or function” ----R. Langer, Science,260: 920-926, 1993 ?? “the development and manipulation of laboratory grown molecules, cells, tissues, or organs to replace or support the function of defective or injured body parts” --Pittsburgh Tissue Engineering Initiative GOAL: Imitate nature Tissue Engineering Basics Various classifications of cells used in tissue engineering applications: primary cells differentiated cells harvested from the patient (tissue biopsy) low cellular yield (can only harvest so much) potential age-related problems passaged cells serial expansion of primary cells (can increase population by 100-1000X) tendency to either lose potency or de-differentiate with too many passages stem cells undifferentiated cells self-renewal capability (unlimited?) can differentiate into functional cell types very rare Bioreactors a) Spinner Flask: semi-controlled fluid shear can produce turbulent eddies which could be detrimental b) Rotating Wall low shear stresses, high mass transfer rate can balance forces to stimulate “zero gravity” c) Hollow Fibre used to enhance mass transfer du


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