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Noam Chomsky Transformational-generative Grammar 组员:王明园 邹蓉珍 郭怀芸 Avram Noam Chomsky (/?no?m ?t??mski/; born December 7, 1928) is an American linguist, philosopher,cognitive scientist, historian, and activist. He is an Institute Professor and Professor (Emeritus) in the Department of Linguistics Philosophy at MIT, where he has worked for over 50 years. Biogrophy December 7, 1928 born on in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1952 开始研究英语的转换语法 Elias建议他用信息论的方法; 1953 彻底放弃分类的发现程序(discovery procedure),集中全力研究TG理论和应用。 1955 received his PhD in linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania 1955 a Junior Fellow of the Harvard University Society of Fellows. 1957 dissertation appeared in the monograph Syntactic Structure——Chomskyan Revolution 1975 The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory 1961 full professor in the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology 时代背景 1.哲学背景 1)1950s 笛卡尔的理性主义 Port Royal 17c法国唯理语法的传统 19c 德国洪堡特“语言是一种创造能力”,语言有“内部形式” 2)《表现结构》(1951)——Nelson Goodman 3)V.O.Quine 对逻辑经验主义批判(命题不一定受经验检验) 2.自然科学的发展 1950s 计算机科学、信息论、数理逻辑及认知心理学的发展 3.语言学背景 结构主义语言学的弊端 Etymological foundation Innateness Hypothesis, LAD Universal grammar Levels of adequacy: Descriptive Explanatory Influence Chomskyan models have been used as a theoretical basis in various fields of study: computer science formal languages combinatorialists evolutionary psychology Academic achievements, awards and honors Honorary degrees from universities around the world University of Buenos Aires McGill University Rovira i Virgili University Columbia University Villanova University University of Connecticut University of Maine Scuola Normale Superiore University of Western Ontario University of Toronto Harvard University Universidad de Chile University of Bologna Universidad de La Frontera University of Calcutta Universidad Nacional de Colombia Vrije Universiteit Brussel Santo Domingo Institute of T


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