A Novel Scheme for Hybrid Digital Video Watermarking Approach, Evaluation and Experimentati.pdf

A Novel Scheme for Hybrid Digital Video Watermarking Approach, Evaluation and Experimentati.pdf

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A Novel Scheme for Hybrid Digital Video Watermarking Approach, Evaluation and Experimentati

1638 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 15, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2005 A Novel Scheme for Hybrid Digital Video Watermarking: Approach, Evaluation and Experimentation Pik Wah Chan, Student Member, IEEE, Michael R. Lyu, Fellow, IEEE, and Roland T. Chin Abstract—We have seen an explosion of data exchange in the We have performed a complete survey on the current water- Internet and the extensive use of digital media. Consequently, dig- marking technologies. It is noticed that none of the current wa- ital data owners can quickly and massively transfer multimedia termarking schemes can resist all attacks. With this finding, we documents across the Internet. This leads to wide interest in multi- media security and multimedia copyright protection. We propose propose a hybrid watermarking scheme based on scene change a novel hybrid digital video watermarking scheme based on the analyze and error correction codes [8]. scene change analysis and error correction code. Our video wa- Video watermarking introduces a number of issues not termarking algorithm is robust against the attacks of frame drop- present in image watermarking. Due to a large amount of data ping, averaging and statistical analysis, which were not solved ef- and inherent redundancies between frames, video signals are fectively in the past. We start with a complete survey of current watermarking technologies, and noticed that none of the existing highly susceptible to piracy attacks, including frame averaging, schemes is capable of resisting all attacks. Accordingly, we pro- frame dropping, frame swapping, statistical analysis, etc [4]. pose the idea of emb


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