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第 31 卷第 7 期 电 子 与 信 息 学 报 Vol.31No.7 2009 年 7 月 Journal of Electronics Information Technology Jul..2009 图像处理中扩散方程的快速数值解法 王卫卫 冯象初 (西安电子科技大学理学院数学系 西安 710071) 摘 要:该文给出图像处理中常用的二阶非线性扩散方程的快速求解算法。首先提出一种线性差分离散格式,既包 含了显格式,也包含了隐格式;其次给出了数值稳定性条件,最后讨论了 3 种快速解法:多重网格法(MG),交替 方向隐格式(ADI),和加性算子分离格式(AOS)。对3 种方法进行了比较和评价,结果表明:用 3 种方法得到的去 噪效果基本相同;ADI 和 AOS 实现较简单;多重网格法得到的恢复图像在光滑区域视觉上优于两种直接法。 关键词:图像处理;非线性扩散;多重网格法;交替方向隐格式;加性算子分离法 中图分类号:TN911.73 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-5896(2009)07-1736-05 Fast Numerical Solutions of Diffusion Equations in Image Processing Wang Wei-wei Feng Xiang-chu (Dept. of Mathematics, Xidian University, Xi’an 710071, China) Abstract: Fast algorithms for solving the 2 order nonlinear diffusion equations in image processing are presented. A linear finite difference scheme incorporating the explicit scheme and the implicit scheme is given. The stability condition of the scheme is also pgivend. Then three fast iteration algorithms including the MultiGrid (MG) method, the Alternative Direction Implicit (ADI) scheme, and the Additive Operators Splitting (AOS) schemes are discussed. Comparison of the three methods show that, the denoising performance is comparative. The MG method is a little better in denoising the smooth regions, while the ADI and the AOS schemes are simpler in realization. Key words: Image processing; Nonlinear diffusion; MultiGrid (MG) method; Alternative Direction Implicit scheme (ADI); Additive Operators Splitting(AOS) scheme 1 引言 隐格式在逐层递推过程中,主要计算代价是求解线 基于偏微分方程(PDE)的方法在图像处理和计 性方程组。求解线性方程组的常用迭代法,如 算机视觉中已得到大量成功的应用 [1−7] ,例如图


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