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35 11 V ol. 35 N o. 11
2006 11 A pplied Chem ica l Indu stry N ov. 2006
匡 汀, 廖力夫, 周 昕
, 42 100 1)
, ,
PANPVA : PVA 40% , 80 ,
17. 0 mg /mL
: ; ;
: O 631. 2 : B : 1671- 3206 2006) 11- 0900 - 03
Study of the optimum conditions of preparing polyaniline
and polyvinyl alcohol conducting blend film
K UANG T ing, L IA O L if u, ZH O U X in
Schoo l o f Chem istry Chem ica l Eng ineering, N anhua U n iversity, H engyang 42 100 1, Ch ina)
Abstract: In h is paper, the PANPVA blend film w as prepared by cast ing process. W e invest igated a se
ries of factors such as the m ass ratio of PAN to PVA, dry ing tem perature of form ing m embrane and con
centrat ion o f form ing m em brane wh ich e ffect propert ies of b lend f ilm. T ensile streng th at break and elonga
t ion at break w ere determ inated. T he blend film s that have h igh conductiv ity, good m echanics propert ies
and be su ited to e lectrom agnet ic w ave shie ld ing m ateria ls w ere prepared. W e had go t the opt mi um condi
t ions PANPVA b lend m embrane: the m ass fract ion o f form ing m em brane PVA w as 40% , dry tem perature
of form ing m embrane w as 80 , concen trat ion of form ing m embrane liquid w as 17. 0 m g /m L.
K ey w ord s: po lyaniline; conducting b lend film; prepare
, 1
PAN ) 1. 1
, PVA 124) , ;
, PAN ; A n) N
, ,
PAN , SDY 4 ; XL 50A