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28 2 Vol. 28, No. 2 2008 4 APPLI ED LASER April 2008 范建良, 郭守国, 刘学良, 毛荐 ( , 200237) ( 785nm) , , 378, 4 17, 430, 447, 576, 645 750cm- 1 , 4 17cm- 1 , 1085cm- 1 , , 1353cm- 1, XRF ; , , 2331, 2874 3285cm- 1 , , ; ; X- ; ; : O657. 3 Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Ruby Identification F n Ji nLi ng , Guo ShouGuo, Liu XueLi ng, M o Ji n ( E ast China Un iv ers ity of Sc ience and Tech no logy , Shang ha i 200237, Ch ina) Abstract In this p per, we employed one Renish w Invi Reflex confoc l-micro R m n spectrometer ( 785nm) for collecting the typic l spectr of n t ur l, tre ted, synthetic rubies nd simil r red gemst ones. B sed on spectr l n ly ses fterw rds, it w s evident th t the ch r cteristic R m n shifts of corundum gemstones re loc ted t 378, 417, 430, 447, 576, 645 nd 750cm- 1 , in which 417cm- 1 presents t he strongest spectr l fe ture. C lcit e Inclusion could be effectively det ected for its ch r- cteristic R m n shifts 1085cm- 1. R m n b nd loc ted m x imum t 1353cm- 1 nd n lytic results performed by X RF pproved it w s impregn ted with le d gl ss. R m n shifts observed t 2331, 2874 nd 3285cm- 1 w ere ttributed to org nic glue impreg- n ted. T hey re the identifying ch r cterist ic of tre ted rubies. Strong nd well symmetric l f luorescence b ckground m y be found in synthetic ruby; it m y be rel ted to t r ce tr nsition or r re-e rth met l ions in flux ed melts dded. Obviously, the spectr l ch r cterist ics of simil r gemstones re different f rom th t of ruby. So, R m n spectroscopic n lysis could be em- ploy ed for ident ific tion of ruby. Key words Ruby; R m n spectroscopy ; XR


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