新编商务英语第三册word study参考答案.docVIP

新编商务英语第三册word study参考答案.doc

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新编商务英语第三册word study参考答案

Unit 3 Word study 1. bid a. The valuable vase will go to the person who bid the highest price for it. 那个贵重的花瓶被出价最高的那个人买走了。 b. We offered 200 pounds at the auction for that painting, but another man bid against us. 在拍卖行我们出200磅买那幅画,但是另一个男人和我们竞价。 c. Our firm is bidding for the contract for the construction of the new expressway. 我们公司正在投标争取建设新高速公路的合同。 d. A number of companies have submitted bids to buy the supermarket chain. 许多公司投标购买这家超市连锁店。 2.signal a. Both companies have signaled their willingness to establish a long-term partnership. 两家公司表达了想建立长期合作关系的愿望。 b. The policeman signaled that the traffic should move forward slowly. 警察示意车流应该慢行。 c. The opinion poll is a clear signal to the President that the voters do not support his foreign policy. 民意测验向总统发出了一个明确的信息,选民不支持他的外交政策。 3. implement a. We decided to implement the committee’s suggestions in full. 我们决定完全执行委员会的建议。 b. If one party fails to implement the contract, he is obliged to compensate for the other party’s losses in accordance with the agreement. 如果一方没有执行合同,那么根据协议他有责任赔偿另一方的损失 c. The implementation of the new freeway regulations is the necessity of the improvement of road transportation. 新的高速公路法规的执行是改善道路交通的保障。 4. connect a. Has the telephone been connected (=joined to the main supply) in your new place yet? 你的新地方电话通了没有? b. The government is planning a new railway connecting Tibet with Beijing. 政府正计划一条连同西藏和北京的新铁路。 c. Id probably know Paul by sight, but I just cant connect the face and the name. 我见到Paul就很可能认识他,但是我只是不能把面相和名字联系起来。 d. The company has connection with a number of Japanese firms. 这家公司和许多日本公司有联系。 5. generate a. Completing the project on time and under budget generated a feeling of pride and accomplishment among the team. 按时并且在预算内完成这个项目,使这个团队产生了一种自豪及成就感。 b. France generates a large part of its electricity from nuclear power. 法国大部分的电由核能产生的。 c. The great force of falling water can be used for the generation of electricity. 下落的水的能量可用来发电。 d. Friction is common when three generations live together. 三代


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