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40 3 四川大 学 学 报 ( 工程 科 学版 ) V o.l 40 No. 3 2008 5 JOURNAL OF SICHUAN UNIVERSITY ( ENGINEER ING SC IENCE ED ITION ) M a 2008 : 2008) M onteCarlo 1 1 1 1 2 王 东 , 陈建康 , 王启智 , 陈 媛 , 黄 宇 ( 1. , 610065; 2. , 610031) : Neum ann, , , , 3 c c c , M on teC arlo, , , , : ; M onteC arlo; ; ; N eum ann : O242. 21; O2 13. 2; TV 31 : A TheNewMethod of StructuralReliabilityAnalysis by MonteCarlo Stochastic FiniteElement 1 1 1 1 2 WANG D ong , CHEN Jiankang , WANG Qizhi, CHEN Yuan ,H UANG Yu ( 1. Schoo l ofW ater R esource and H dropow er, Sichuan Un iv. , Chengdu 610065, Ch in a; 2. Sichuan Branch C om pan of Ch ina Datang Corporation, Chengdu 610031, Ch ina) Abstract: Based on the conditional expectation variance reduction, an tithetic variab le sampling and N eumann ex pansion techn ique, and in order to solve the problem ofuncertain t of strength model partl, considering the d ifferent character istics of un iax ial compressive strength and b id irectional isobar ic strength of concrete and rock materi c cc als, th is paper app lies 3parameter un ified strength theor to FEM program, andM onteCarlo 3D non linear stochas tic FEM model for structure reliabilit anal sis is constructed. The result show s that th is model has n ice conver gence, h igh efficienc , low cost and enough precision of index for practice. Themodel is valuable for largescale comp lex structure design and reliab ilit anal sis. Key words: structural reliab ilit; M on


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