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第 30 卷 第 5 期 电 子 器 件 Vol. 30 No . 5
20 07 年 10 月 Ch inese J ou r nal Of Elect ro n D evices Oct . 2 007
Adaptive emporal Filter Ba sed on Mot ion Compen sat ion f or Video Noise Reduct ion
1 , 2 1 1 , 2 1 ,2 1 , 2
L I Yan , Q I AO Ya n2f en g , GAO F en g2d u an , GA O Ya n , SU N Zh i2y u an
1 . Ch an gchun Ins ti t ute of Opt ics , Fi n e M ec h ani cs and P hy sic s , C hi n ese A ca demy of Sc ienc es ,
P h ot oe lec t r ic it y Me as ur em ent and Cont r ol Dep a r t ment , Ch angc hun 130033 , Chi n a ;
2 . Gr a d u at e S ch ool2of 2t he Chi n ese Ac a demy of Sc ience s , Be ij in g 100039 , Chi n a
Abstr act :Noi se in vi deo si gnal s will degrad e t he qu alit y of i mage . A te mp oral a dap ti ve filt er ba sed on a mo2
t ion2compe nsat ion is p rop o sed for noi se r eduction . h e noise in vi deo sequence i s t racked by t he motion2
comp en sa tion i n t emp or al domai n. he fil ter in g st ren gt h can be adap t ively cha nged on t h e motion sit uation
of a subj ect . he e xp er imen tal r esul t s show t h at t he p r opo sed filt er is bett er t han t h at in sp atial domai n .
h e noi se in video si gn al s ca n be effect ivel y reduced and t he image wil l not be so bl ur ry as t h e r esul t of
sp ati al fil ter .
Key wor ds :motion compensation ; adap tive temporal filter ; motion st rengt h detection ; video noi se r eduction
E EACC :643 0H