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北 京 航 空 航 天 大 学 学 报 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 基于地面实验的蒙皮换热器高空换热性能分析 党晓民 庞丽萍 林贵平 (北京航空航天大学 航空科学与工程学院,北京 100191) 摘 要: 面向未来我国大功率机载电子设备冷却需求,需要发展新型机载冷却方式,减少对传 统环控制冷系统的依赖,为此本文研究了一种气/气蒙皮换热器用于电子设备热管理。该蒙皮换热器是一 种无能耗被动换热方式,在不增加飞机代偿损失的情况下实现大功率电子设备热管理。为了考核所设计 的蒙皮换热器机载飞机环境换热性能,设计加工了实验样件,在地面开展了换热性能实验研究工作,获 得热边流动传热准则和对流换热系数。在此为基础上推演出高空巡航状态下的蒙皮换热器换热性能,获 得传热最不利安装位置和改进位置时的传热性能。本文的研究工作预期为未来我国基于蒙皮换热器的飞 机综合热管理提供设计及机载应用技术支持。 关 键 词:飞机蒙皮换热器;电子设备冷却;换热性能实验;对流换热系数 中图分类号:V245.3+44 文献标识码:A High-altitude heat transfer performance analysis for a skin heat exchanger based on ground experiment Dang Xiaomin Pang Liping Lin Guiping (School of Aviation Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100191, China ) Abstract: Facing to future high-power onboard electronic equipment cooling requirements for our country, it needs to develop a new onboard cooling technology to reduce the dependence on traditional environmental control system. A new gas-gas skin heat exchanger was studied for aircraft thermal management of electronic equipment. The skin heat exchanger is a non-energy consumption of passive heat exchanger with decreasing aircraft performance penalty when it realizes the thermal management for high-power electronic devices. To assess the heat transfer performance of skin heat exchanger onboard, an experimental prototype was designed and its heat transfer performance was carried out on the ground experimental device to obtain the convective heat transfer coefficients of its hot and cold sides. Based on this experiment, the heat transfer performance of skin heat exchanger in high-altitude cruise condition was deduced for the most unfavorable a


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