04- Die as You Choose.doc

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04- Die as You Choose.doc

Lesson Four  Die as You Choose自己选择死亡方式 制定关于安乐死的法律已经到了不能再回避的地步。 The need for laws on euthanasia cannot be dodged for much longer. 在世界上某个较小的国家里,安乐死被医疗机构普遍接受,每年都有数千例公开实施。 In one of the world’s smaller countries, mercy-killing is accepted by the medical establishment and openly practiced a few thousand times each year. 而在某个世界大国,安乐死虽然经常受到医疗机构的公开谴责,每年却以数倍于此的次数秘密实施,且从未公之于众。 In one of the world’s biggest countries, euthanasia is condemned by the medical establishment, secretly practiced many times more often, and almost never comes to light. 但是,在上述那个国家有医生因为实施安乐死而在监狱里服刑呢? Which of these countries has a mercy-killing doctor now languishing in its jails? 是在小国荷兰。荷兰制定了有关安乐死的法律,能有效地管理它。 It is the small one, Holland, which has rules for euthanasia and so can police it effectively. 那位荷兰的医生违反了他国家的规定。 The Dutch doctor broke his country’s rules. 有关安乐死的问题在所有国家都存在,决不仅出现在美国这个禁止安乐死的大国。 There is a moral here for all the countries, and not just for the big death-forbidding country, America. 目前美国正再次展开有关安乐死的辩论。 Right now it is going over the arguments about euthanasia once again. 美国医学协会会刊1月份发表了一封非同寻常的来信。一位医生在信中宣称自己按照病人的意愿,杀死了一位身患癌症的20岁女孩。 In January the Journal of the American Medical Association published a bizarre letter, in which an anonymous doctor claimed to have killed a 20-year-old cancer patient at her own request. 这件事引起了一场辩论,而这场辩论将轰轰烈烈地持续到秋季,那时加利福尼亚州可能会就一项使安乐死合法化的法律进行投票表决。 This started a debate that will rumble on into the autumn, when Californians may vote on a proposed law legalizing euthanasia. 这封信可能是为了起到引发争论的效果,内容并不可信。 The letter was probably written for polemical impact. It is scarcely credible. 是作者自己在信中声称他(或她)第一次与那位得了癌症的病人见面,听到病人说出5个字——“让我去死吧”——然后就杀了她。 It’s author claims that he met the cancer patient for the first time, heard five words from her – “Let’s get this over with” – then killer her. 即使是极端的安乐死支持者也不赞成在这种情况下采取如此做法。 Even the most extreme proponents of euthanasia do not support such an action in those circumstances. 然而,医疗上出现的可怕事件如洪水猛兽一般,并不比安乐死的情况


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