88、The Glass Key玻璃钥匙.pdf

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88、The Glass Key玻璃钥匙.pdf

THE GLASS KEY by Dashiell Hammett I. The Body in China Street 1 Green dice rolled across the green table, struck the rim together, and bounced back. One stopped 第 1 页 共 175 页 / 原版英语阅读网 short holding six white spots in two equal rows uppermost. The other tumbled out to the center of the table and came to rest with a single spot on top. Ned Beaumont grunted softly--Uhn!--and the winners cleared the table of money. Harry Sloss picked up the dice and rattled them in a pale broad hairy hand. Shoot two bits. He dropped a twenty-dollar bill and a five-dollar bill on the table. Ned Beaumont stepped back saying: Get on him, gamblers, Ive got to refuel. He crossed the billiard-room to the door. There he met Walter Ivans coming in. He said, Lo, Walt, and would have gone on, but Ivans caught his elbow as he passed and turned to face him. D-d-did you t-talk to P-p-paul? When Ivans said P-p-paul a fine spray flew out between his lips. Im going up to see him now. Ivanss china-blue eyes brightened in his round fair face until Ned Beaumont, narrow of eye, added: Dont expect much. If you could wait awhile. - Ivanss chin twitched. B-b-but shes going to have the b-b-baby next month. A startled look came into Ned Beaumonts dark eyes. He took his arm out of the shorter mans hand and stepped back. Then a corner of his mouth twitched under his dark mustache and he said: Its a bad time, Walt, and--well--youll save yourself disappointment by not looking for much before November. His eyes were narrow again and watchful. B-b-but if you t-tell him-- Ill put it to him as hot as I can and you ought to know hell go the limit, but hes in a tough spot right now. He moved his shoulders and his face became gloomy except for the watchful brightness of his eves. Ivans wet hi


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