《1-3 job interview》.ppt

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《1-3 job interview》.ppt

For many, a job interview is the most stressful part of the job search process. In order to persuade the employer that he /she is the most suitable person for the opening, the candidate has to impress the employer with his/her appearance, personality and qualifications. Watching A Job Interview, you are kidding me! /J2 Watching Job Interview First Impressions Question Work in pairs. Have you ever been to a job interview? What preparations should a candidate make before the interview? Discuss with your partner and write them down. J1/3 1.Prepare a resume 2.Research the company 3.Prepare for frequently asked questions Word Focus 1. Resume [rizju:m] n.摘要, 概略, 美 履历 vt.再继续, 重新开始, 重新占用, 再用 2. curriculum vitae [vi:taI] n.履历, 简历 A summary of ones education, professional history, and job qualifications, as for a prospective employer. 简历,履历:关于某人所受教育、专业经历以及工作资格的简要说明,如即将被雇用的雇员的履历 1.Prepare a resume(B/P2) Tips: Here are some things you should never put in your CV (Curriculum Vitae ) or resume Titles Abbreviations Reason for leaving References Salaries Jargon Photographs, age, religion, race, nationality exaggerations 总结: Resume 简历书写的15种误区写法 The top “pet peeves” (差劲的,令人心烦的)things I saw on resumes that made them less interested in speaking with a candidate. These make great examples of how not to write your resume。 1.Use of the current tense in all jobs on the resume. 在简历中的所有工作描述都使用现在时。 2.Writing the resume or cover letter in the third person. 使用第三人称书写简历。 3.Too many grammar and spelling mistakes. 太多的语法和拼写错误。 4.Use of tiny, tiny fonts(字体) (10 or less) so as to cram填满 as much information into the resume as possible. 为了在简历上多放点信息,使用很小很小的字体(10号字体甚至更小)。 5.Photos on resumes (this is a cultural preference). 在简历上方放照片(这点是个文化偏好问题)。 6.A listing of their personal interests and activities. 个人兴趣和运动的列表。 7.Sending a resume attachment named 41808res.doc - use your name or descriptive label. 发过来的简历名称是“41808res.doc”,用你的名字或叙述性标志名称来命名简历。 8.Writing the resume usi


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