《2016 An improved shifting bottleneck procedure for the job shop scheduling problem》.pdf

《2016 An improved shifting bottleneck procedure for the job shop scheduling problem》.pdf

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《2016 An improved shifting bottleneck procedure for the job shop scheduling problem》.pdf

Computers Operations Research 31 (2004) 2093–2110 /locate/dsw An improve dshifting bottleneck procedure for the job shop scheduling problem a a;b ;∗ Huang Wenqi , Yin Aihua a College of Computer Science and Technology, Theoretical Computer Science Institute, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 43 74, China b College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Hubei University, Wuhan, Hubei 43 62, China Abstract In this paper, the job shop scheduling problem with the objective to minimize the makespan is discussed. A theorem on the shifting bottleneck procedure (SB) for solving this problem is proven, which guarantees an application of the procedure slightly modie dfrom SB to obtain feasible solution of the problem. Base don this theorem, an improve dshifting bottleneck procedure (ISB) for the job shop scheduling problem has been proposed. Besides ISB is implemente dstraightly, a rene dversion that combines ISB with the strategy of back tracking is presented. These two procedures have been teste don many benchmarks with various sizes an dhardness levels. The computational experiment shows that ISB is more ecient an deective than SB. Also, some encouraging results about the rene dversion are obtained. ? 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Job shop scheduling; Feasible solution; Makespan; Bottleneck machine; Disturbance 1. Introduction


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