《at animal land》.ppt

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《at animal land》.ppt

Unit 6 At Animal Land Culture Club Idioms(习语)about animals in English. 1. It’s raining ______ and ______. 傾盤大雨 2. To teach a _____ to swim. 班门弄斧 3. Love me, love my ______.爱屋及乌 4. As poor as a church(教堂) ______ .穷得一文不名 5. As clever as a ______. 6. As heavy as an _________. 7. As strong as a _____________. 8. As happy as a ______. 9. You are really a lucky _____. 你真幸運 10. As stupid as a ______.蠢得像头猪 Homework Surf the Internet and find more about different animals. Next week I’d like you to introduce different animals. * monkey tiger lion panda giraffe crocodile bear polar bear kangaroo elephant fox wolf snake koala rhino turtle zebra gorilla hippo Animal Land is fun! Let’s visit Animal Land and let the animals come to us! Do you know where these animals live at Animal Land? on Lion Land at Hippo Pool at Zebra Zoo on Monkey Mountain in Bird Park at Elephant Zoo Shenzhen Safari Park Lion Land Panda Zoo Zebra Zoo Monkey Mountain Bird Park Ocean Theatre Deer Park Read the map of Safari Park carefully and try to find out the following places: What can we do at Animal Land? ride through drive to see zebras stand near/ see watch birds buy gifts/ postcards Let’s play A guessing game What animals can you see? elephant What animal makes the sound ? bear horse tiger wolf monkey What is the tallest animal? Guess: giraffe What is the biggest animal on land? Guess: elephant Which animal is “the King of Forest”? Guess: tiger Which animal is “the King of Grasslands”? Guess: lion Which animal is very special to China and eats bamboo? Guess: panda Which animal runs the fastest? Guess: panther cats fish dog mouse fox elephant horse bird dog goose dogs /camel Discussion If you want to make a class emblem(徽章), which animal would you like to choose? Why? I choose … Because it is… *


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